Getx Controller's ondelete() method is called on flutter web

Wed, Mar 27, 2024

Read in 3 minutes

When using the GetX package in Flutter, especially for state management and route management, you might observe some behaviors that differ across platforms (Android, iOS, and web).

When using the GetX package in Flutter, especially for state management and route management, you might observe some behaviors that differ across platforms (Android, iOS, and web). One specific behavior is related to the onDelete() callback in a GetX controller, which is called when the controller is removed from memory. This is part of GetX’s mechanism for cleaning up resources and ensuring that controllers are disposed of properly to avoid memory leaks.

If you notice that onDelete() is being called when a screen is popped specifically in Flutter web, it’s likely because of the way navigation and page lifecycles are handled differently in web applications compared to mobile apps. In mobile applications, popping a screen usually leads to the disposal of the screen and its controllers (if they are tied to the lifecycle of that screen), but the exact timing can depend on the navigation stack and how controllers are registered or bound to routes.

To manage this behavior and ensure consistent functionality across platforms, consider the following approaches:

  1. Explicitly Manage Controller Lifecycle: Instead of relying solely on onDelete() for cleanup, explicitly manage your controller’s lifecycle by calling disposal or cleanup methods when popping a screen or navigating away. This gives you more control over when resources are released.
  2. Use onClose(): Besides onDelete(), there’s also an onClose() method that you can override in your GetX controllers. While onDelete() is called when the controller is actually being removed, onClose() is called right before that happens. Sometimes, managing resources in onClose() provides a more consistent point for cleanup across different platforms.
  3. Check Platform: If your cleanup logic in onDelete() needs to be different for web and mobile, you can check the platform at runtime and adjust your logic accordingly. This allows for more granular control over how and when resources are managed.
  4. Singleton Controllers: For controllers that you wish to persist longer than a single page or view, consider registering them as singleton instances within GetX. This way, they aren’t tied to the lifecycle of individual screens and won’t be disposed of when a screen is popped. However, you’ll need to manage their disposal manually when appropriate.
  5. Debugging and Testing: Make extensive use of debugging and testing across platforms to observe and understand the lifecycle of your controllers. This can help identify when and why onDelete() is called and allow you to adjust your application logic accordingly.

Remember, the goal is to ensure that your application manages resources efficiently and behaves consistently across all platforms. Adjusting how you use GetX controllers and their lifecycle methods is key to achieving this.

Shohruh AK




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