This is where the heading goes

This is where the subtitle goes

  1. He drinks tea at breakfast. - U nonushtada choy ichadi.
  2. She only eats fish. - U faqat baliq yeydi.
  3. They watch television regularly. - Ular muntazam televizor ko’rishadi.
  4. We catch the bus every morning. - Har tong, biz avtobus ushlaymiz (biror joyga borish uchun).
  5. It rains every afternoon during the hot season. - Issiq mavsum davomida, har kunduz kuni yomg’ir yog’adi.
  6. They drive to London every summer. - Har yozda, ular Londonga mashina haydab borishada.
  7. Water freezes at zero degrees. - Suv 0 gradusda muzlaydi.
  8. The Earth revolves around the Sun. - Yer quyosh atrofida aylanadi.
  9. Her mother is Indian. - Uning onasi hind.
  10. His father arrives tomorrow. - Uning otasi ertaga yetib keladi.
  11. He always does good work. - U hardoim yaxshi ish qiladi.
  12. Our holiday starts next month. - Bizning ta’til kelgusi oy boshlanadi.
  13. She’ll see you before she leaves. - U sizni ketishidan oldin ko’radi.
  14. Our train leaves at 3pm. - Bizning poyezd (kunduzgi) 3 da jo’naydi.
  15. The match starts at 8:30am. - O’yin (ertalabgi) 8:30 da boshlaydi.
  16. We land in Tashkent at 9:15. - Biz Toshkentga 9:15 da qo’namiz.
  17. He goes to school every morning. - U har tong maktabga boradi.
  18. She understands English. - U ingliz tilini tushunadi.
  19. He tries very hard. - U juda qattiq harakat qiladi.
  20. She enjoys playing the piano. - U pianina chalishdan zavqlanadi.
  21. I work in London. - Men Londonda ishlayman.
  22. We love going to concerts. - Biz konsertlarga borishni yaxshi ko’ramiz.
  23. He thinks living here is too expensive and I agree. - U buyerda yashash qimmat deb o’ylaydi va men qo’shilaman.
  24. They trust their leader and follow him. - Ular yetakchilariga ishonishadi va unga ergashishadi
  25. I like reading, especially historical novels. - Men o’qishni yaxshi ko’raman, asosan tarixiy asarlarni.
  26. I’m nineteen years old. - Men o’n to’qqiz yoshman.
  27. I’m a student. - Men talabaman.
  28. I always study hard for exams. - Men har doim imtixonlarga qattiq o’qiyman.
  29. We live in Boston. - Biz Bostonda yashaymiz.
  30. He works for the Post Office. - U pochtaga ishlaydi.
  31. He lives with his family in London. - U Londonda oilasi bilan yashaydi.
  32. She manages the marketing department. - U marketing bo’limini boshqaradi.
  33. Ben goes to football practice every Tuesday. - Ben har Seshanba futbol mashqiga boradi.
  34. In general, I believe that all people can live in peace. - Umuman olganda, Men barcha odamlar tinchlikda yashay olishiga ishonaman.
  35. They go to the supermarket every week. - Ular supermarketga har hafta borishadi.
  36. I play football every weekend. - Men har hafta oxiri futbol o’ynayman.
  37. The human body contains 206 bones. - Odam tanasi 206 ta suyakni o’z ichiga oladi.
  38. I sometimes go to the cinema. - Men ba’zan kinoga boraman.
  39. She never plays basketball. - U hechqachon basketbol o’ynamaydi.
  40. The school starts next week. - Maktab kelasi hafta boshlaydi.
  41. Bees make honey. - Arilar asal ishlab chiqaradi.
  42. Water boils at 100 degrees. - Suv 100 gradusda qaynaydi.
  43. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. -Everest tog’i dunyodagi eng baland tog'.
  44. We use trees to make paper. - Biz qog’oz yasash uchun daraxtdan foydalanamiz.
  45. You go swimming twice a week. - Siz suzishga haftasiga ikki marta borasiz.
  46. We fly to Paris next week. - Biz kelasi hafta Parijga uchamiz.
  47. You must finish your work before you go home. - Siz uyga ketishingizdan oldin ishingizni tugatishingiz kerak.
  48. We sometimes eat out on Sunday evenings. - Biz bazan Yakshanba tunlari ko’chada ovqatlanamiz.
  49. Do you play the piano? - Siz pianina chalasizmi?
  50. Where do you live? - Siz qayerda yashaysiz?
  51. Does Jack play football? - Jek futbol o’ynaydimi?
  52. Where does he come from? - U qayerdan kelgan? (qayerlik)
  53. Do Rita and Angela live in Manchester? - Rita va Anjela Manchesterda yashaydimi?
  54. Where do they work? - Ular qayerda ishlashadi?
  55. Does John always turn off the lights? - Jon har doim chiroqlarni o’chiradimi?
  56. Don’t you ever clean your room? - Siz hech xonangizni tozalamaysizmi?
  57. When does the meeting begin? - Uchrashuv qachon boshlaydi?
  58. What does Angela do? - Anjela nima ish qiladi?
  59. When does Rita usually get up? - Rita odatda qachon uyqudan turadi?
  60. Who lives in London? - Londonda kim yashaydi?
  61. Who plays football at the weekend? - Hafta oxirida kim futbol o’ynaydi?
  62. When do you want to meet me? - Men bilan qachon uchrashishni xoxlaysiz?
  63. Why does Simon always complain so much? - Nega Saymn har doim bunchalik ko’p noliydi?
  64. How much does the ticket cost? - Chiptaning narxi qancha?
  65. Why don’t you ever go on vacation? - Nega xech ta’tilga chiqmaysiz?
  66. Do they have any children? - Ularning farzandlari bormi?
  67. Where do you come from? - Siz qayerdansiz? (qayerliksiz?)
  68. Do you usually speak to him like that? - Siz odatda unga shunday gapirasizmi?
  69. Does she work every Saturday? - U har shanba ishlaydimi?
  70. I like tennis but I don’t like football. - Men tenisni yaxshi ko’raman lekin futbolni yaxshi ko’rmayman.
  71. I don’t live in London now. - Men hozir Londonda yashamayman.
  72. I don’t play the piano but I play the guitar. - Men pianina chalmayman lekin gitara chalaman.
  73. They don’t work at the weekend. - Ular hafta oxirida ishlashmaydi.
  74. John doesn’t live in Manchester. - Jon Manchesterda yashamaydi.
  75. Angela doesn’t drive to work. She goes by bus. - Anjela ishga mashina haydab bormaydi. U avtobusda boradi.
  76. I don’t like the food at that restaurant. - Men u restorandagi ovqatni yoqtirmayman.
  77. Jim doesn’t work on Fridays. - Jim Juma kunlari ishlamaydi.
  78. My friends don’t usually leave so early. - Mening do’stlarim odatda bunday erta ketishmaydi.
  79. I do not want to go with you! - Men siz bilan borishni xoxlamayman!
  80. I don’t often play video games. - Men tez-tez video o’yinlar o’ynamayman.

Ushbu inglizcha darslikni to’liq video shaklida gaplarni o’qilishi bilan ko’rishni hoxlasangiz buyerga bosing