This is where the heading goes

This is where the subtitle goes

English O’zbekcha
good yaxshi
best eng yaxshi
make yasamoq
cake to’rt
dog it
bag sumka
brother aka
busy band
low past
free bo’sh; bepul
high baland
hot issiq
poor kambag’al
sunny quyoshli
bad yomon
big katta
smart aqlli
old eski; qari
young yosh
tall baland
deep chuqur
small kichik
dark qorong’u
street ko’cha
basketball player basketbol o’yinchisi
bed karovat, yotoq
problem muammo
beautiful chiroyli
sea dengiz
large katta
sweet shirin
harmless zararsiz
painful og’riqli
oily yog’li
creative yaratuvchan
matching mos keladigan,
dangerous xavfli
foolish axmoqona
terrible daxshatli
wooden yog’ochli
cold sovuq
ugly xunik, badbashara
clever aqlli
new yangi
pretty yoqimtoy
rich boy
sad xafa
strong kuchli
huge ulkan
broad keng
long uzun
narrow tor
wide keng
thin ingichka, ozg’in
fat semiz
playful o’yinqaro
useful foydali
homeless uysiz
careless beparvo, beg’am
tiny mitti
noisy shovqinli
sleepy uyqisragan, uyqisi kelgan
expensive qimmat
active faol
talkative sergap, ko’p gapiradigan
attractive jozibali, o’ziga tortadigan
boring zerikarli
interesting qiziqarli
caring g’amxo’r
smiling jilmayib turgan, tabassum qilib turgan
quiet tinch
many ko’p
much ko’p
less ozroq
more ko’proq
better yaxshiroq
worse yomonroq
worst eng yomon
least eng kam, eng oz
most eng ko’p
come kelmoq
go bormoq
try harakat qilmoq
have ega bo’lmoq, bor bo’lmoq
write yozmoq
read o’qimoq
feel his qilmoq
work ishlamoq
do qilmoq, bajarmoq
miss sog’inmoq; o’tkazib yubormoq
wash yuvmoq
fix tuzatmoq
buzz bizzilamoq
hear eshitmoq
speak gapirmoq
know bilmoq
think o’ylamoq
take olmoq
want xoxlamoq