This is where the heading goes

This is where the subtitle goes

English O’zbekcha
half yarim
leaf barg
strawberry qulupnay
kidney buyrak
chimney mo’ri
toy o’yinchoq
trolley arava; tramvay
cowboy kovboy
calf buzoq
donkey eshak
monkey maymun
story hikoya
diary kundalik
class sinf; dars
peach shaftoli
belt kamar
mug kurujka
city shahar
butterfly kapalak
party ba’zm
elf elf (juda past bo’yli odam)
loaf non
shelf tokcha, polka
thief o’g’ri
wolf bo’ri
knife pichoq
life hayot
wife xotin
giraffe jirafa
hippo begemot
kangroo kengru
rhino karkidon
potato kartoshka
tomato pomidor
hero qaxramon
mango mango
mosquito chivin
zero no’l, 0
scarf sharf
mouse sichqon
goose g’oz
child bola
man erkak
tooth tish
sheep qo’y; qo’ylar
bison bizon; bizonlar
deer kiyik; kiyiklar
pants shim
scissors qaychi
pajamas pijama
shorts shortik
trousers shim
knives pichoqlar
lives hayotlar
wives xotinlar
giraffes jirafalar
hippos begemotlar
zoos zooparklar
kangroos kengrular
rhinos karkidonlar
potatoes kartoshkalar
tomatoes pomidorlar
heroes qaxramonlar
mice sichqonlar
geese g’ozlar
children bolalar
men erkaklar
women ayollar
teeth tishlar
police militsiya
happy baxtli
see ko’rmoq
me meni, menga
we biz
they ular
he u (o’g’il bola uchun)
she u (qi bola uchun)z
it u (narsa uchun); uni, unga
them ularni, ularga
him uni, unga (o’g’il bola uchun)
her uni, unga (qiz bola uchun)
student talaba
everybody hamma, barcha
whom kimni
whose kimning
what nima
which qaysi
name ism
those o’shalar
myself o’zim
yourself o’zingiz
himself o’zi (o’gil bola uchun)
herself o’zi (qiz bola uchun)
itself o’zi (narsa uchun)
ourselves o’zimiz
yourselves o’zlaringiz
themselves o’zlari
this bu, shu
these bular, shular