This is where the heading goes

This is where the subtitle goes

English O’zbekcha
garden bog’
teacher o’qtuvchi
apple olma
book kitob
stories hikoyalar
father ota
doctor doktor
dictionary lug’at
phone telefon
there’s bor
little kichik, ozgina
in ichida
who kim
your sizning, sizlarning
eat yemoq
that o’sha
rotten chirigan
I men
like yoqtirmoq
reading o’qish
my mening
hate yomon ko’rmoq
ring jiringlamoq
for uchun
you siz, sizlar, sizlarni, sizlarga
swimmer suzuvchi
snail shilliqurt
fire olov
engine mator
clown masxaraboz
letters xatlar
flag bayroq
river daryo
barber sartarosh
mountain tog'
fox tulki
hotel mexmonxona
parrot to’tiqush
granny buvi
taxi taksi
gardener bog’bon
people odamlar
animals hayvonlar
places joylar
things narsalar
airplane samalyot
letter xat
bicycle velosiped
woman ayol
boy bola
bus avtobus
flower gul
comb taroq
girl qiz
key kalit
university universitet
ship kema
map xarita
basket savat
rainbow kamalak
honor sharaf
monster maxluq
car mashina
pillow yostiq
hill tepalik
watch qo’l soati
house uy
zoo zopark
axe bolta
hour soat
egg tuxum
orange apelsin; apelsin rang
envelope konvert
umbrella soyabon
ice cream muzqaymoq
uncle amaki, tog’a
family oila
fly pashsha
lady xonim
library kutubxona
puppy kuchuk
broom supirgi
camel tuya
desk stol, parta
fork vilka
game o’yin
beach sohil
branch novda
box quti
bush buta
church cherkov
dish idish
dress ko’ylak
sandwich sendvich
witch jodugar, yalmog’iz
cherry olcha
baby chaqaloq
candy shirinlik
day kun