This is where the heading goes

This is where the subtitle goes

English O’zbekcha
yellow sariq
white oq
black qora
red qizil
pink pushti
brown jigarrang
silver kumushrang; kumush
than -dan ko’ra (-ga nisbatan)
our bizning
their ularning
his uning; uniki (o’g’il bolaga nisbatan)
its uning; uniki (narsaga nisbatan)
mine meniki
yours sizniki; sizlarniki
ours bizniki
theirs ularniki
hers uniki (qiz bolaga nisbatan)
next to yonida
above yuqorisida; yuqoriga
among orasida
around atrofida; atrofiga
at da (yonida)
behind orqasida; orqasiga
beside yonida
between o’rtasida
in front of oldida, old tarafida
inside ichida
near yaqinida; yaqini
on ustida
outside tashqarisida; tashqarida; tashqari
under tagida; tagiga
building bino
picture rasm
world dunyo
door eshik
station stansiya
table stol
concert konsert
cinema kinoteatr
night tun
weekend hafta oxiri
wall devor
left chap
right o’ng
floor qavat
plane samolyot
radio radio
at work ishda
at night tunda
at the weekend hafta oxirida
on the right o’ng tarafda
on the left chap tarafda
in the world dunyoda
now hozir
right now hozir, hoziroq
at the moment hozirda, hozirgi momentda
at this moment hozir, shu momentda
movie kino
tonight kechqurun, bugun tunda
visit tashrif buyurmoq
this week bu hafta
parents ota-ona
run yugurmoq
sleep uxlamoq
jump sakramoq
climb (tirmashib yuqoriga) chiqmoq
catch ushlamoq
drop tushirib yubormoq, tushib ketmoq
bring olib kelmoq
show ko’rsatmoq
tell aytmoq
meet uchrashmoq
leave ketmoq, chiqib ketmoq
begin boshlamoq
start boshlamoq
build qurmoq
put qo’ymoq
say demoq
dentist tish doktori
hair soch
salad salad
minute minut
all barcha, barchasi, hammasi
have breakfast nonushta qilmoq
have lunch tushlik qilmoq
have dinner kechlik qilmoq (kechki ovqatni yemoq)
have fun xursandchilik qilmoq
aim mo’ljallamoq; maqsad qilmoq
bake yopmoq (pishirish manosida)
try harakat qilmoq
open ochmoq
happen sodir bo’lmoq
pull tortmoq
push itarmoq
scold urishmoq, urishib bermoq
agree rozi bo’lmoq
shout baqirmoq
visit tashrif buyurmoq
wait kutmoq
walk yurmoq, sayr qilmoq
carry olib yurmoq
jump sakramoq
laugh kulmoq
cry yig’lamoq
lift ko’tarmoq
look qaramoq
die o’lmoq
hurry shoshilmoq
live yashamoq
slam qattiq yopmoq (eshikni)
grab mahkam ushlamoq
nod rozilik ma’nosida bosh qimirlatmoq
bury ko’mmoq
fry qovurmoq