English Story Level A1: They Are Cooking Dinner

Thu, Mar 9, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

They Are Cooking Dinner

It was a lovely evening, and the family was busy in the kitchen. The mother was chopping vegetables, while the father was preparing the meat. The children were setting the table and getting excited about the meal to come.

The family loved cooking together, and it was a tradition for them to cook dinner as a family every night. They loved experimenting with new recipes and sharing stories while they cooked.

Tonight, they were making a special dish - a homemade pizza. They all took turns kneading the dough and spreading the tomato sauce over the top. The father added the cheese, while the mother added the toppings - mushrooms, peppers, and onions.

As they worked, they chatted and laughed, making the experience even more enjoyable. The children were excited to see their pizza taking shape, and they eagerly helped sprinkle the cheese over the top.

Finally, the pizza was ready to be put into the oven. The family carefully slid it onto the pizza stone and watched as it started to cook.

As they waited for the pizza to be ready, they all sat down at the table and shared stories from their day. The aroma of the cooking pizza filled the kitchen, making their mouths water.

Finally, the pizza was ready, and the family eagerly pulled it out of the oven. They cut it into slices and passed them around the table, each person taking a slice and savoring the delicious flavors.

They all agreed that it was one of the best pizzas they had ever made. They cleaned up the kitchen together, feeling happy and content after a wonderful evening of cooking dinner as a family.

Vocabulary list:

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See Also

English Story Level A1: He Is Watching A Movie
English Story Level A1: The Dog Is Barking
English Story Level A1: I Have A Brother
English Story Level A1: Shopping for Clothes
English Story Level A1: A Night at the Cinema