English Story Level A1: The Tree Is Tall

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Read in 2 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

The Tree Is Tall

Once upon a time, in a green meadow surrounded by a dense forest, there stood a tall tree. It was a mighty oak, towering over all the other trees in the meadow. Its branches spread wide, providing a cool shade to the creatures of the meadow on hot summer days. The tree was the tallest in the meadow, and it stood tall and proud.

One day, a group of birds landed on the tree’s branches. They had flown for miles and were tired and thirsty. They perched on the branches and chirped merrily, grateful for the tree’s hospitality. The tree provided them with a refreshing drink of water from the nearby stream and some juicy berries to eat.

As the birds rested, a group of animals approached the tree. They were in awe of the tree’s height and beauty. The tree greeted them with a friendly rustle of its leaves. The animals sat down under the tree’s canopy and chatted among themselves, enjoying the cool breeze that the tree provided.

As the day drew to a close, the animals and birds bid farewell to the tree and promised to visit again soon. The tree stood tall and proud, watching them leave. It was happy to have made so many friends and to have provided them with shelter and hospitality.

Vocabulary list:

Shohruh AK

See Also

English Story Level A1: The Sun Is Setting
English Story Level A1: The Flower Is Pretty
English Story Level A1: They are Eating Breakfast
English Story Level A1: He Is Playing Soccer
English Story Level A1: The Blue Sky