English Story Level A1: The Ocean Adventure

Sun, Feb 5, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

The Ocean Adventure

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, and the sea is calm and peaceful. Three friends, Alex, Sarah, and David, are excitedly preparing for an adventure on the ocean. They have rented a small boat for the day and plan to explore the nearby islands.

Alex is wearing a bright orange life jacket, and Sarah has a red one. David’s life jacket is blue, matching the color of his eyes. They all have sunscreen on to protect their skin from the sun.

As they set off from the shore, they can feel the cool breeze blowing through their hair. The water is crystal clear, and they can see schools of fish swimming beneath them.

Alex is at the helm of the boat, steering it towards the first island. Sarah is on lookout duty, scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. David is keeping an eye on the map, making sure they are headed in the right direction.

After a while, they reach the first island and decide to explore it. They anchor the boat and jump into the water. The temperature is refreshing, and they can see all sorts of colorful marine life, such as starfish and crabs.

As they swim around the island, they come across a hidden cave. Excitedly, they decide to explore it. The cave is dark and mysterious, but they use their flashlights to guide their way. They find all sorts of interesting things, such as old pirate treasure and ancient artifacts.

After their exploration, they climb back onto the boat and continue their journey to the next island. Along the way, they stop to go snorkeling and see even more fascinating sea creatures.

Finally, they reach the last island, where they decide to have a picnic on the beach. They unpack their sandwiches and fruit and enjoy a leisurely lunch in the sun.

As the day draws to a close, they head back to shore, tired but happy from their exciting adventure on the ocean.

Vocabulary list:

Shohruh AK

See Also

English Story Level A1: I Like To Read Books
English Story Level A1: She Is Studying Math
English Story Level A1: Studying with Jack
English Story Level A1: Sarah is taking a walk
English Story Level A1: The Music Is Loud