English Story Level A1: The Happy Day

Sat, Feb 18, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

The Happy Day

It was a beautiful day outside and the sun was shining brightly. Emma woke up feeling happy and excited. She got dressed quickly and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. As she was pouring some cereal into a bowl, she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door and saw her best friend Sarah standing there with a big smile on her face. “Good morning, Emma! I brought some muffins for us to enjoy,” Sarah said.

Emma was overjoyed to see her friend and invited her inside. They sat down at the table and enjoyed their breakfast while chatting about their plans for the day.

After breakfast, they decided to go for a walk in the park. As they strolled through the park, they saw children playing on the playground, dogs chasing each other, and families having picnics on the grass.

Emma and Sarah found a quiet spot under a tree and sat down to enjoy the beautiful day. “I feel so happy today,” Emma said. “Me too,” Sarah replied.

As they sat there, Emma pulled out a book from her bag and started reading. “What book are you reading?” Sarah asked. “It’s a mystery novel. I can’t put it down,” Emma replied with a smile.

After a while, they decided to head back home. As they walked back, they saw a group of musicians playing on the street corner. Emma and Sarah started dancing to the music and soon a small crowd had gathered around them, clapping and cheering.

Finally, they made it back to Emma’s house. Sarah hugged Emma and said, “Thanks for a wonderful day. I had so much fun.” “Me too,” Emma replied. “Let’s do it again soon.”

As Sarah walked away, Emma sat down at the table and smiled to herself. It had been a happy day indeed.

Vocabulary list:

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See Also

English Story Level A1: The Book on the Table
English Story Level A1: My Name is Alex
English Story Level A1: Two Best Friends
English Story Level A1: The Tired Boy
English Story Level A1: Her Furry Friend