English Story Level A1: The cat sat on the mat

Thu, Feb 2, 2023

Read in 2 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

The cat sat on the mat

As I walked into the room, I saw the cat sitting on the mat. It was a fluffy, orange tabby cat with big green eyes. The cat was just sitting there, seemingly content and relaxed.

I approached the cat slowly, trying not to startle it. As I got closer, the cat looked up at me and meowed softly. I reached out to pet the cat, and it leaned into my hand, purring loudly.

I sat down on the floor next to the cat and continued to pet it. We sat there together on the mat, enjoying each other’s company. After a few minutes, the cat got up and walked away, but I was grateful for the brief moment of connection we shared.

Sometimes, it’s the simple moments like these that can bring a little bit of joy to our day. Whether it’s a cat sitting on a mat or a bird singing outside our window, we can find happiness in the small things.

Vocabulary list:

Shohruh AK

See Also

English Story Level A1: They Are Watching TV
English Story Level A1: He Is Drinking Water
English Story Level A1: The sun is shining
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