English Story Level A1: The Car is Blue

Tue, Feb 21, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

The Car is Blue

John just bought a car. It’s his first car and he’s very excited about it. The car is blue and shiny. John’s friends are jealous because the car looks so cool.

John loves driving his car around town. He can go anywhere he wants to now. He can drive to work, to the store, or even to the beach. He’s so happy that he has his own car.

One day, John decided to take his friends for a ride. They all piled into the car and John drove them around town. They went to the park, the mall, and even the movies. John’s friends loved the car too. They all agreed that the car was the coolest one around.

As they were driving, they passed by a car dealership. There was a red sports car on the lot that caught John’s eye. He knew he couldn’t afford it, but he decided to stop and take a look. As he was admiring the car, the salesman approached him.

“Beautiful car, isn’t it?” the salesman said.

“Yes, it is,” John replied. “But I just bought my car. It’s blue and shiny.”

“That’s a nice car too,” the salesman said. “But if you ever want to upgrade, just come see me.”

John thanked the salesman and got back into his car. As he drove away, he realized that he was happy with the car he had. The car may not be the newest or the fastest, but it was his and it was blue.

Vocabulary list:

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See Also

English Story Level A1: He is Hungry
English Story Level A1: My Furry Friend
English Story Level A1: The Happy Day
English Story Level A1: The Book on the Table
English Story Level A1: My Name is Alex