English Story Level A1: He Is Watching A Movie

Wed, Mar 8, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

He Is Watching A Movie

John is a big movie fan. Whenever he has free time, he likes to watch movies. Today is no different. He is sitting on his couch, watching a movie on his TV.

The movie is a thriller. The main character is a detective who is trying to solve a case. John is really engrossed in the movie. He loves trying to solve the mystery before the main character does.

As he watches the movie, he munches on some popcorn. The movie is getting really exciting, and John can feel his heart racing. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. John pauses the movie and gets up to answer it.

It’s his friend, Dave. Dave wants to hang out, but John tells him he’s in the middle of watching a movie. Dave asks if he can watch it with him, and John agrees. They both sit down on the couch and John resumes the movie.

The dog, who is lying on the floor, starts barking at the sound of the doorbell. John’s dog is a big, friendly golden retriever. He loves attention and is always barking when someone comes to the door.

John tells the dog to be quiet, but the dog continues to bark. John realizes that the movie is too loud, so he turns down the volume. The dog stops barking and lies down again.

As the movie continues, Dave and John start discussing the plot. They both try to guess who the killer is. They watch in suspense as the detective gets closer and closer to solving the case.

Finally, the big reveal happens, and they both gasp in surprise. The movie ends, and they both agree that it was a great one. Dave thanks John for letting him watch it with him and says goodbye.

John turns off the TV and gets up to stretch his legs. He looks down at the dog, who is wagging his tail. John smiles and gives him a pat on the head. “Good boy,” he says.

Vocabulary list:

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See Also

English Story Level A1: The Dog Is Barking
English Story Level A1: I Have A Brother
English Story Level A1: Shopping for Clothes
English Story Level A1: A Night at the Cinema
English Story Level A1: My Love for English