English Story Level A1: He Is Walking To School

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

He Is Walking To School

It was a beautiful morning, and the sun was shining brightly. John was getting ready for school. He quickly ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and wore his school uniform. He then grabbed his bag and set out to walk to school.

The walk to school was not very far, but John enjoyed it nonetheless. He walked past beautiful gardens and colorful flowers, and he felt happy to be alive. He also loved to see the other children walking to school, all dressed in their uniforms and carrying their bags. Some were walking alone, while others were with their friends, laughing and chatting away.

As John neared the school, he felt a bit nervous. He wondered what new things he would learn today and if his teachers would be strict or friendly. He also thought about his classmates and hoped he would make new friends today.

When he arrived at school, John felt relieved to see that his best friend, Alex, was already there, waiting for him. They greeted each other excitedly and chatted about their plans for the day. John felt happy to have someone to talk to and walked into the school with a big smile on his face.

As the day progressed, John enjoyed learning new things and playing with his classmates during recess. He was grateful for the opportunity to go to school and learn, and he knew that walking to school every day was a small price to pay for such a wonderful experience.

Vocabulary list:

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See Also

English Story Level A1: The Boy Is Sleeping
English Story Level A1: The Sun Is Setting
English Story Level A1: The Tree Is Tall
English Story Level A1: The Flower Is Pretty
English Story Level A1: They are Eating Breakfast