English Story Level A1: A Day at the Beach 2

Fri, Feb 10, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

This is an english story for Level A1 learners of English. Key vocabularies of this story are listed at the end of the story. Enjoy!

A Day at the Beach 2

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful beach with golden sand and clear blue water. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and there were many people enjoying their day at the beach. Children were building sandcastles, while others were swimming in the ocean or playing with a beach ball.

A family had set up their umbrella and beach chairs, with a cooler full of drinks and snacks. They were wearing sunscreen to protect their skin from the sun’s rays. The parents were relaxing in their chairs while their children were playing in the waves.

A group of teenagers were using snorkels and swim fins to explore the underwater world. They found many beautiful seashells and even saw a crab scurrying along the ocean floor.

A lifeguard was watching over the swimmers, making sure everyone was safe. Suddenly, he blew his whistle and everyone quickly got out of the water. A boogie board had been left in the ocean and was floating dangerously close to some swimmers. The lifeguard quickly retrieved it and the swimmers were able to continue their fun.

As the day went on, some people started to feel tired from all the swimming and playing. They sat on their towels and enjoyed the warm sun on their skin, developing a nice suntan. Others continued to play and enjoy their time at the beach, using the various equipment available like beach balls, swim fins and boogie boards.

Finally, as the sun began to set, everyone packed up their belongings and said goodbye to the beautiful beach. It had been a wonderful day filled with fun, sun and memories that would last a lifetime.

Vocabulary list:

Shohruh AK

See Also

English Story Level A1: She Is Writing A Letter
English Story Level A1: A Day at the Park
English Story Level A1: The Room Is Dark
English Story Level A1: A Day at the Beach
English Story Level A1: They Are Playing Cards